Map Billing Codes from the Invoice to GoFreight Billing Codes

The invoice likely contains various billing codes that need to be matched to GoFreight’s internal billing codes. This step involves finding the appropriate GoFreight Billing Code Ref. ID, ensuring that each line item is accurately represented.

To ensure accurate mapping of billing codes from the invoice to the corresponding billing codes in GoFreight, follow these steps:

  1. Establish a Billing Code Mapping Table:

    Set up a mapping table to store relationships between the OCR-extracted billing codes from invoices and the GoFreight Billing Codes. This table will help automate future matches and reduce manual input.

  2. Call the GoFreight Get Billing Code API:

    Use the Get Billing Code API to retrieve GoFreight’s list of billing codes and their corresponding Ref. IDs. This list will be used as a reference for matching the invoice billing codes.

  3. OCR Extracts Billing Code from the Invoice:

    Use OCR to read and capture each billing code from the vendor’s invoice.

  4. Match with GoFreight Billing Codes:

    Compare the OCR-extracted billing codes with GoFreight’s billing codes. Since invoices come from different vendors, it is often impossible to directly find a perfectly matching billing code. Other methods are needed to make the correct mapping, such as using programs or AI to perform keyword matching on billing code descriptions, or as suggested in Step 7, allowing users to make a one-time selection.

  5. If a Match is Found:

    If a matching billing code is found in GoFreight, retrieve the corresponding Billing Code Ref. ID for that line item.

  6. If No Match is Found, Perform Manual Matching:

    If no exact match is found, perform the following manual steps:

    • a. Minor Code Variations:

      If the billing code already exists in GoFreight but with a slight variation causing the mismatch, display the billing code from the invoice on the user interface. Allow the user to search GoFreight’s billing codes to find the correct one. Once identified, link the GoFreight billing code to the invoice billing code, retrieving the appropriate Billing Code Ref. ID.

    • b. Automatic Application for Future Matches:

      Once the user links the invoice billing code to a GoFreight billing code, store this association. When OCR detects the same billing code in future invoices, the system will automatically apply this link to retrieve the corresponding Billing Code Ref. ID.

  7. If the Billing Code Does Not Exist in GoFreight:

    If the billing code cannot be found in GoFreight, the user should add this billing code in GoFreight. After the new billing code is created, re-trigger the matching process to link the invoice billing code to the newly added GoFreight Billing Code.